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Life is a journey and unfortunately, we can't always choose the path we take.  Sometimes the choice is made by circumstances that push us in a direction we never intended or even anticipated. When this happens, the impact can crush our spirit and leave us feeling like we'll never survive.


I experienced a devastating event like this and was sure my life was over. But God had other ideas and he proved his strength was sufficient, his grace generous, and his presence plenty.


God is never finished with us. Flowers can grow in unlikely places, and although you may feel pushed under, you've actually been planted. This is why a flower can find its way through the crack in the concrete. It doesn't matter if the place is not perfect. God's purpose is precise. And we can trust him to plant us where we will produce every kind of good fruit.


It is my hope the resources on this website will water your soul. You can flourish under the loving care of our Father as he continues to cultivate your story.




Now Available:
What About Me? How to Survive Your Parents' Divorce
By Kim Johnson

This book is for teenagers ages 12-18 and addresses the many issues they experience when their parents separate or divorce. While these kids often act as if everything is fine, they can be suffering deeply. Learning to acknowledge their pain and discovering practical tools for coping is vital. By systematically tackling the emotion or problem, What About Me? gives encouragement for dealing with the sorrow and directs the focus to God as a significant source of help.


Parents may find this book helpful in understanding their teen. Even if the teenager isn't communicating their feelings, the insight gained by reading this book can  help the parent help their child.

It is available on Amazon.

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